Seven Lifestyles

Unlock Your Lifestyle.

Learn the Expert Secrets of Lifestyle Real Estate 96% of Agents Wont Tell You

Leverage this Incredible Training BEFORE connecting with an Agent!

We have a finite amount of time on this planet.

You can survive in a city,
OR you can get after it in a location you love.

Lifestyle for family, health, body, and soul!

Welcome to Lifestyle Real Estate Solutions

Life is what you make it, but if you have the desire to improve your lifestyle with your love ones, you need to go after it. Therefore this training is for you to help you! Avoid the pitfalls regular B.S. agents will push.

This system is created to help buyers and sellers understand the inner workings and secrets vital to navigating the market that 96% of agents are ignorant about.

Seven Lifestyles operates independently and objectively from the industry. Two decades of expert insider knowledge that will help you navigate each step with confidence, save your most valuable asset – time. It will reduce frustration and help avoid the opportunity cost of expensive mistakes and trivial guidance used by 96% of agents and brokerages.

Be Bold. Be Informed. Be the Lion and not the sheep in your lifestyle journey. 

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Andrew Storms Has Been Featured in Media Outlets Like:

Why Lifestyle Real Estate Solutions?


Beach – Ski – Golf – Mountains – Lakes – Yachting – Desert

Lifestyle Real Estate Solutions is the Secret To
Living Your Lifestyle Successfully

It’s the difference between choosing any of the 2,978,785 real estate agents who are ignorant to Lifestyle Real Estate OR learning the insider secrets from an Expert, BEFORE connecting with an Advisor – Tailored to your Interests.


WITH LRE Solutions

Max fulfillment isn’t magic, it’s cause and effect.

We help manic “do-it-all” addicts

Purpose Mastery gives individuals laser-focused solutions that lead to life-changing results. Whether that’s figuring out what to do next with your life, go beyond “working for a paycheck,” getting clarity about your purpose, or leaving a meaningful legacy – we give you the building blocks to make it happen.

Get control of their life and gain clarity for the future

You feel like you should have more figured out by now. You wonder if you should write a book, start a blog, get a TEDx Talk – do anything to share your experience and feel like you’re helping people. But you don’t know where to start, and are terrified you’ll make the wrong decision. Stop wasting valuable time and start living the life of your dreams.

Here's how it works

Step 1: Decide Your Lifestyle >>>
Step 2: Learn the Secrets >>>
Step 3: Experience Success Through Expertise

Dismantle the Status Quo

Buyers and sellers are often misled by agents, brokerages, and industry tactics. Remember, this is sales, and their goal is to profit. Not that it's pending the service they can provide. However, with our expert insider knowledge, you can use this information to your advantage.

Develop the Lifestyle Strategy

Leverage this information to create a solid foundation of top professionals in your dream location. A dream team with a sole focus of helping you Live your ideal lifestyle. An incredible reality without second guessing your decisions.

Discover a new way to Live

Cities, suburbs, and metropolitan areas are often linked to mental illness, stress, health problems, and weakened family structures. The benefits of lifestyle-focused locations—for relocation or a second home has significant advantages.

Dreams into Action

Tailor your ideal lifestyle anywhere, from a ski-in condo at 10,000 feet above sea level to a coastal beach home at sea level itself. Master the dynamic and segmented lifestyle markets. Put your dreams into action for you and your family.

You're in good company

Join the growing community of families who have bought a second home or relocated for better a lifestyle.

Escape the status quo of hamster wheel live and create memorable experiences with those you love.

Family Office - Private Client

Purchased $3.6 Million Slopeside Ski Home - Saved $509,000

Lucas and his wife wanted to purchase a second home to enjoy a different lifestyle than their East Coast city life for their three daughters. Their initial idea was generic of focusing on factors like square footage, and the number of bedrooms, etc. 

This meant navigating through the myriad streets, blocks, neighborhoods, and elevations of a mountain town which presented challenges, with no real direction – Budget was not one of them. 

There was a moment to encourage them to consider properties that aligned more closely with the lifestyle they envisioned. Not just a house in the mountains.  

We were able to clarify their needs  to four items over and above the location and home.

Convenient Transportation: Ensuring safe transportation for their children  regardless of the season.   Ski-in/Ski-out Access: A priority for seamless access to the slopes for the husband.   Walkability: Easy access to morning coffee strolls for the wife.  Potential for Growth: Seeking a location with promising appreciation as a legacy property..

One property they never considered – a 3800-square-foot townhome nestled at the base of a renowned resort. Unbeknownst to them, the area was expecting significant gentrification very few knew about. This added layers of value. Fast forward six years, and the property now boasts a valuation of $9+ million.


Richard H.

Purchased $1.2 Million Mountain Home. Valued at $3.5 Million.

Richard and his wife were looking to invest a sizable amount of money to purchase their second home, to eventually live during retirement, yet he was uncomfortable to spend the entire savings for the particular type of home he wanted. 

Instead, Richard and I discussed a concept people don’t like to take because of the length of time involved. We crafted a strategic plan with a clear vision of the 3 – 5 years. 

The advice consisted of beginning with an initial investment of $585,000 for a ‘stepping stone’ property. This savvy move paid off three years later when they sold this property at a profit, allowing them to upgrade to their dream home for $1.2 million with no additional investment.

Now, a few years shy of retirement, Richard’s thoughtful planning means the property will soon be fully paid off through luxury rental income alone, however due to the incredible location of the property it is now valued at $3.5 million.

This story isn’t just about financial success; it’s about smart, phased investing that turns dreams into reality. You do not have to overstretch your finances. Let Richard’s journey inspire your own path to lifestyle property ownership. 

Pauline O.

Missed the Opportunity buying a Lifestyle Property

Early this week I received this text (below) from Pauline who has become a dear friend over the years – out of the blue. It struck a cord and reminded me of the many others who did not follow advise they had commissioned top experts like myself to follow. Albeit, she does also own a second home in California, the text below was appreciated. 

In not my position to advise a client how much money to invest, though often it becomes Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve when they look back in hindsight. 

Permission was asked if I could post this text message: The reply was “Please do”

“Hey Andrew, it’s Pauline! Just talking with my daughter Katie and told her had I listened to Andrew I’d be set for life.

Should have bought both properties you advised me about. Thought you’d appreciate your knowledge being appreciated by a person who is risk averse.”

Many buyers and sellers are cautious of real estate agents, as many are considered “Salesy” looking for the commission check.

This is one of many reasons to understand the expert secrets in advance before contacting just any  agent. 96% of agents are not on your side, which is why we created SevenLifestyles.


Vinciane Ngomsi

From Layoff to NFL Reporter

Vinciane had a very clear view of what she wanted to do – but had no idea how to get there. After an unexpected layoff, Vinciane decided to embrace the timing and set out of her dream. After working with Brian and Gabrielle, Vinciane was able to articulate her value in ways she was never able to before. She reinvented herself and established her expertise as a sports commentator and brand expert, and she is now living her dream life working with major sports brands and players!

Paulo Sibaja

From Job Transition to National Expert

Paulo considered starting a business, but was never sure about when it would be a good time. He wanted to write a book too, but that seemed like a daunting task – especially when his top priority was getting out of debt. After getting clarity about his purpose, who he can help, and how he can help them, Paulo was able to launch his successful business, write his book, and get booked on major news broadcasts for his expertise! For Paulo, his success exploded when he did more of one thing instead of getting distracted by the many.

Matt Maynard

From Stuck to European Adventurist

Matt was enjoying his life and his career in structural engineering, but felt like there was something more. More impact. More meaning. More purpose. After working with Brian and Gabrielle, Matt got clarity about what he uniquely brought to the market. His confidence soared. He put in for a transfer to Europe and now does his same work with a better view, spending weekends traveling to the Alps and Roman cafes.

Randy Wolken

From Wanting More to Author and CNBC

Randy was successful in his career. He had clear goals, but couldn’t get clarity about how to achieve them. After working through the Purpose Mastery process, Randy had more clarity about his purpose than ever, reverse engineered a successful book launch, and was booked on national news outlets. He was able to (finally) translate his experience and expertise into a legacy. It was more than knowing what he “should” do. For Randy, the process provided him with clarity about how to do it, when to execute, and for how long. If you ask Randy, working with Brian saved him hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars trying things on his own.

Ben Marciano

From #250 to Top 5 In The Country

Purpose Mastery set off massive transformation in Ben’s life and business. At first, Ben enrolled in the program to help his own leadership skills. But as he started applying the principles to his own life, something big happened. Not only did he discover his exact purpose, his team discovered their purpose and started to care about people more than profit. As a result, his company experienced 66% year over year growth and, according to a national survey, they were ranked among the top 5 gyms in the nation for exceptional member experience!

Adam Akins

From Simply Existing to Really Living

Adam was in a personal crisis. He felt stuck, overwhelmed, and was tired of trying to fight it all alone. That was, until he started Purpose Mastery. After working through his Purpose, Adam gained incredible clarity about his priorities, was able to focus his time and attention on wealth-saving and wealth-building activities, and is now financially and emotionally thriving. His wife, his kids, and his community notice the difference Purpose Mastery can make.

Design Your Lifestyle

Design your entire life how you want it – the location, the activities, lifestyle and the positive impact on relationships that you want. Those in lifestyle location are the most fulfilled and don’t get there by accident. Invet in your family and creating lifelong memories for all to share. 

Meet Andrew Storms

Andrew Storms: a bold truth-teller affectionately known as Mr. Lifestyle and The Master of the Blunt Reveal. Renowned for his fearless approach to conventional wisdom, Andrew is a generational expert who dares to challenge the status quo. As the author of two Blunt Reveal books, a Global Lifestyle Advisor, and the visionary founder of Seven Lifestyles, he's helped transform the lifestyles of industry leaders and everyday individuals. Whether you're seeking second home opportunities or a fresh lifestyle change, Andrew is your "go-to" for extraordinary living.

Praise for Andrew Storms' Work

"Living passionately on-purpose and committed to your purpose makes live thrillingly worthwhile, enjoyable, and meaningful. This ... will get your purposefulness to become a white hot desire that has you rise higher and higher."

–Mark Victor Hansen, Coauthor for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series

“This ... will change your life forever. It shows you how to become absolutely clear about who you are, what you really want, and how to achieve all your goals.”

–Brian Tracy, Bestselling Author and Personal Development Legend

“One of Napoleon Hill's most important principles was having a major definite purpose and great leaders know their purpose. Brian and Gabrielle bring new clarity, strategy and insight to the subject of purpose.”

–Don Green, Executive Director of The Napoleon Hill Foundation

Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like:

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